running up.
Another idea: Start up a Freelance Photography. This would give me freedom to do what I want and where I want, providing I can get enough jobs to stay alive. Theres all kinds of small business grants I could get to get me started.
A business card is a start anyway, and it will go well with my CV, Port Folio and Site '09 Exhibition.

Here's one I designed last year but it needs updating.

This layout shows a range of what I can do photography wise, shows that I'm versatile.

Here's a set of more recent images that I would probably add instead.
I should also do the following:
- Business plan
- Define a target Market
- Budget
- Timeline
- Maybe choose a name for my company
- Get registered as a company
- Look into grants and scholorships (Artist Development Agency)
- Make a fecebook page for my company - network - gain many fans.
- Make a proper website
- Marketing
- Networking
A few things to think about anyway. Its about time to start thinking about life after Art School.
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