With so many different options for celebrating new years, it seems difficult to make a decision where one will go these days. Gisborne, Ingagnahuna, Matakana and Coromandel are all names that spring to mind when thinking of events that run over the switching of the years. However, there are also many smaller more modest festivals, which offer a more intimate option for punters to be part of. This year I opted for the wayward wanderer approach in choosing where to be for the 31st of December, 2009.
Venturing from Dunedin, across Cooks straight, and continuing north to the Tai Tokerou lands of the Far North. The roads eventually led me to an open paddock, set against a 360degree view of farmland and bush, next to a laughing lake, in the back blocks of Pakaraka. Open Air was what this festival was called.
The brainchild of a group of mates who were keen to celebrate the coming of the new year with some good music, a relaxed atmosphere, a group of happy people and most importantly, to be amongst what Aotearoa has to offer...the open air. However, it was not to be without a series of trials and tribulations. Liability insurance, securing a venue and funding the operation were a few of the hurdles which had to be navigated before Open Air could be fully realised.

at 6pm, on the 31st, everyone gathered around the stage to partake in blessing the land, the people and the festival. A mihi was made by Christine, followed by a karakia which we all joined in on. This payed homage to the cultural roots that are firmly in place throughout the Far North and its people. Formalities complete, it was time to begin the fetivities.

Without warning countdown had begun and the new year had arrived, followed by many a new years hug, kiss, pash, high-five, wolf whistle and man-hug. With the countdown over, the DJs got itchy fingers, and the decks began to spin once more. The music continued on into the wee small hours, as did the moving feet of the revellers who danced under the nearly full moon